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What Are We Waiting For?

Writer: Bekah SummaBekah Summa

2017 was a year that was filled with a lot of change, a lot of patience, a lot of reward, and even a lot of pain. This past year I have come to the realization that I constantly think that something is blocking my way to happiness. I tend to think that if I can have ONE thing then everything else will fall into place. I’ve come to learn that I’m not the only person that thinks this way, practically everyone else I know thinks in this sense to.  I am going to call this way of thinking the “If/Then Complex.”

If/Then Complex 

Ok. I have heard a few people speak and write about this, so I am not taking full credit that this is something I have come to discover on my own, but here you go.

Im defining the “If/Then Complex” as the idea that we all have something we desire but fail to attain. However, we believe that IF we can obtain this one thing THEN our lives will be better.

Here are a few examples:

If I had money then i would be happier.

If I had those clothes then I would fit in.

If I had those friends then my life would be better.

If I get into this college then everything will be ok.

If I had this guy I would be happier.

If I make this score on the SAT then I will be able to do anything.

If I get this job my life will be more fulfilled.

If I had this body my life would be so much more perfect.

If I had those clothes, that hair, that face, etc. etc. etc.

I could go on forever, and ever, and ever, and ever with the If/then statements. Take a minute and think. What’s yours?

Now, it is not bad to have goals and desires and want to achieve things in your life. However, the “If/Then complex” falls short when you think once you cross one bridge then everything will be okay. That is simply not the truth. You can have EVERYTHING you desire, yet are still incredibly unhappy. One day, you may get the money you desire. But then what happens? There will be another problem, another desire, something else you crave to have.

Why is this?

We as humans innately always desire more. We believe that we deserve what we want and because of that what we want  will make us better. If life isn’t going the way we want it to it is easy to blame it on something else that we don’t have rather than healing our own problems. Here’s the deal, the earthly world will never satisfy.Living in the current world, we are practically bred to continue to desire more than we have, but that’s not how it should be because it will never satisfy. ever. That is not how Christ wants it to be. Nothing will ever sustain us on this earth because the only One who can satisfy is Our Father in heaven. Christ will always continue to provide for us, but nothing will satisfy the way He does. There will always be another thing we want or think we need, but the only one that sits on the other side of these desires is Christ himself.

So why are you craving more in your life? Do you truly think what you want will really heal all problems? What earthly thing are you waiting for?



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