It’s been a word that has seemed to define my prayer life for the past few months. I think we all face seasons of struggle where nothing seems really clear. Everything blurs together and the answer isn’t evident. These past few months have not been easy for me or those closet to me. There has been lots of prayer and lots of tears. In just the first month of my senior year, one of my friend’s father broke his ankle leaving him out of work for a few weeks. Shortly after, another one of my friend’s father fell off a ladder, leaving him immobile for quite a few weeks. Later, the same friend whose father broke his ankle, found out that her grandpa was extremely sick. He passed shortly after. Meanwhile, during this time my friends and I have all been trying to make college decisions. Applications. SAT scores. College visits. I know, also, that a lot people close to me are struggling, bad. It has seemed that every week for the past few months I’ve received a text asking for more prayer, more support, more peace. It’s been a lot for the first few months of senior year, and nothing seems very clear. So, what do we do in seasons where chaos seems to drown out any clarity? How do we find a clear answer in the midst of so much thought?
Heres the deal, I don’t know. I can’t sit here and write something and say its the answer when in reality I don’t know. I don’t know because I haven’t lived through any clear answers after major struggles. I don’t know because my life is different than everyone else’s. I don’t know because God uses these seasons of fog in different ways for each and every person.
Heres what I do know.
Prayer is powerful. Pray. Pray. Pray. If you don’t know where to start, sit down and talk to God. He’s your friend. He wants to hear your thoughts.Writing down your thoughts helps, a ton. When i face seasons of life where I don’t know how God is using me, I write it down. Sometimes years later, I will go back and read what I wrote to see how God answered my prayers and my struggles. Sophomore year in my journal I wrote about a relationship I was struggling with, maybe a friendship I could have totally lost, yet here I am today, in a strong friendship with this person, able to visibly see how God used me.Find peace & quiet. I think its easy to be drowned out by the world around us. It can be easy to shove away our thoughts, bury them down inside of us. however, we need time of deep reflections, a time to speak to God without the distractions. Find a time for just you and God.
Like I said earlier, the thing is, I really don’t know how to always find clarity in the midst of chaos. But I do know God uses these seasons in ways bigger than we could ever imagine. He takes us in His perfect hand and doesn’t let go. Because of this, I pray that you find clarity. I pray that you find it however God intends you to find it and that You know that He is there, waiting for you. Clarity isn’t always clear, but its coming, I promise.