The world throws so many things at us all at once and it is so easy for us to convince ourselves that we must balance everything in our own hands perfectly: school, work, friendships, relationships, etc. We force ourselves to reign over every situation, yet still have no control over the final outcome. Of course, this is stressful. To try and handle everything perfectly is impossible and unreal. Many nights I’ve stayed up late trying to get my last homework assignment perfect. I’ve stressed over standardized testing just like the next person. Most of all, I stress about my future and where God will lead me. Even right now I am stressed about a test I have looming over my head.
But why do we worry so much?
It is because we try to hold every situation we can in our hands. We practically push God out and put up a barrier that shouts “I DON’T NEED YOUR HELP!!” when struggles face us because we want to hold the future in our hands so it goes the way WE want it to. Sometimes it feels like I am running an infinite mile and I never get a break. I refuse to hand over my problems and concerns to God. That is not what God desires from us—He wants us to run into his open arms with all of our pain and brokenness and hand over the situation to Him. He will carry us through the stress of our lives knowing that there are far better things beyond what we strain over. We can make a perfect plan for our lives in our heads, but God will forever have a greater plan. Maybe we will get denied from our dream college. Maybe we will fail the class we worked hard to ace all year. Maybe we will never meet the boy of our dreams. Maybe we will ruin a lifelong friendship. Maybe we will feel like a failure. But guess what? God’s got this and maybe, just maybe, we are exactly where HE intended us to be.
Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.